
The Wall Street Journal reports that Google is readying its own ad-blocker as part of its Chrome browser.  Chrome is the undisputed most used browser in the world with a market share north of 41%.

The ad blocker would be added to both mobile and desktop versions, per the report, and target what the company deems as bad user experiences.  As banner ads have become less effective, more intrusive ads have popped up – literally.  Pop-up ads, long the bane of internet users since the early days of the web, are still around.  Other targets may be auto-play video with audio enabled, ads that take over your screen, or cause you to take an action before getting the page you’re trying to see.

Google hasn’t commented on the specifics, but said in a released statement:

“We’ve been working closely with the Coalition for Better Ads and industry trades to explore a multitude of ways Google and other members of the Coalition could support the Better Ads Standards.” – Google via statement

Users may applaud the move.  As any as a quarter of internet users have ad blockers already on their desktop computers and 10% have ad blockers on their phones (SOURCE:  Interactive Advertising Bureau).  That’s indicative of a desire to better control the experience on-line when it comes to advertising.

There are questions, however, and some concern.  Estimates are that Google and Facebook control as much as 85% of the ad dollars on-line with Google controlling somewhere between 35-45% of all ad dollars in the U.S.

It may come down to this: Do we trust the people that control that big a share of ad dollars to play fair?