B2B sellers using AI for content need to know this:

A study by Originality.AI shows that large language models (LLM) – i.e. generative AI models – tend to “move sentiment scores closer to the neutral part of the scale.”

What’s that mean?

AI tends to mute tones and feelings. Sentimental nuances are lost in the process.

Wait a minute.

Don’t you want your content to be engaging making an emotional connection with readers, and — most importantly — be persuasive? While you want to provide valuable and relevant information to establish yourself as a thought leader and industry expert, you want people seeing your content to TAKE ACTION.

It’s what I’ve been saying for quite a while. AI can churn out content (most of which is accurate), but it doesn’t create content that converts. If you want to build highly persuasive, personal, and educational content, you need a skilled professional.

AI can be a tool, just like other online tools you can use to improve the quality and performance of your content… but it doesn’t replace the human touch that makes a connection and drives revenue.